4 High Precision Tweezers
Body material: Stainless steel type SA.
Body material: Superalloy NC.
Body material: High Alloy DX.
Low carbon high alloy austenitic stainless steel, AISI 904L (UNS N08904).
Its maximum service temperature is at 450°C.
High-alloy austenitic stainless steel intended for use under severe corrosive conditions within the process industry.
Very good resistance to attacks in acidic environments, e.g. sulphuric, phosphoric and acetic acid.
Very good resistance to pitting in neutral chloride-bearing solutions/stress corrosion cracking.
The grade is non-magnetic (95%) in all conditions and has excellent formability and weldability. The austenitic structure also gives this grade excellent toughness, even down to cryogenic temperatures.
36A High Precision Tweezers
35A High Precision Tweezers
34A High Precision Tweezers
33A High Precision Tweezers